EFNARC examiner for nozzle operator

A scheme that has been developed in recognition that the construction industry requires a means of identifying expert nozzle operators

Sprayed concrete applications are one of the most essential activities in underground construction. Appropriately trained and certified operators are of vital importance. A poor application technique not only generates unnecessary material waste through rebound and overspraying, poor quality but can also compromise the structural integrity of the site, and thus jeopardise safety. The EFNARC Nozzle Operator Certification Scheme is an answer to the construction industry’s need to have a neutral and objective procedure for sprayed concrete nozzle operator certification.

The Nozzle Operator Certification Scheme operates through experienced and trained Examiners who facilitates a training course for nozzle operator.

The nozzle operator course includes concrete theory together with an online exam to guarantee an objective assessment. Cutting-edge virtual reality training is provided through our simulator providers. Practical spraying experience and practical assessment is another important part of the course.

The examiner has extensive experience in underground construction and sprayed concrete and has been independently accredited by EFNARC by attending an Examiner course.

The scheme is currently limited to wet, robotic sprayed concrete and has been developed primarily for international experts.

On behalf of EFNARC, the International Centre for Geotechnics and Underground Construction (CUC) is offering courses for the certification of the nozzle operator Examiner and the nozzle operator.

How does your company benefit from the Nozzle Operator Examiner Certification?

participants of the Nozzleman examiner course watch the spray concrete mobile in action

Next dates


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3


Course Fees: (GST/VAT incl.)

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